The 921 EwoT Competition Song

to the Monty Python "Lumberjack"-song

I am Lars Kal'mori and I love to play

I go out all night and I drink all day

He is Lars Kal'mori and he loves to play

He goes out all night and he drinks all day


I'm The Tainted One and I'm OK

I came from afar and I bounced all way.

He's The Tainted One and he's OK

He came from afar and he bounced all way.


I am Yorrick and I am OK

I play my tricks and I laugh all day

He is Yorrick and he is OK

He plays his tricks and he laughs all day


I'm Danera and I came by train

I play this stupid game and Asha is this time to blame

She's Danera and she came by train

She plays this stupid game and Asha is this time to blame


I'm the hunchbacked one and I'm OK

I drink all night and am drunk all day

He's the hunchbacked one and he's OK

He drinks all night and is drunk all day.